
Thanksgiving - Australian Style

By David Southwell - news.com.au

1.I’m thankful that when I turn on the news at night it is to hear who won the day’s cricket or footy, not which faction won the day’s street fighting.

2.I’m thankful for the feeling of water from a free shower trickling the sand out of my hair as I look out over a wide, white and blue water beach.

3. I’m thankful that for much of the country a harsh winter means wearing long socks with shorts.

4. I’m thankful that when I expressed amazement at the price of an ice cream at the cinema the guy behind the counter flatly replied: “Yeah, it is rip-off.”

5. I’m thankful that much of the world switches to English when I am around but generally don’t see me as a representative of an imperial bully, except of course for New Zealanders.

6. I’m thankful that quite a number of people can own larges patches of vegetation around their houses but more thankful, especially on mower-free Saturdays, that I don’t.

7. I’m thankful when the seductive tones of the SBS announcer tell me that the following program contains sex scenes and nudity.

8. I’m thankful that the winners and runners-up of singing popularity contest Australian Idol include a mix of people from diverse backgrounds such as Aboriginal, Asian, Maori, Irish, Italian and Bogan. How is Shannon Noll doing nowadays?

9. I’m thankful that Big Brother finished here before it did in the UK and other countries.

10. I’m thankful that Big Brother once outrated Parliamentary Question Time when every housemate was asleep. For the reason I am thankful for that see reason number one.



Well I thought this was hilarious...

Bolivian police managed to track down a man wanted for murder from what was described as the world's worst photo-fit....

For the full story - click here


Mobilisera GOTLAND!!!

Mobilisera Gotland!!

Ärligt och enkelt - Vi behöver DIN hjälp!

Just nu har den ideella föreningen Gotland Live, som ligger bakom Wisby FM &
WFM MAG tillräckligt med medel att fortsätta bara till slutet av 2009...
Vad som ska hända sen är upp till oss!

Frågan är inte om du lyssnar på Wisby FM…
Frågan är inte om du älskar andra radiostationer...
Frågan är enklare...

Vill DU bevara Wisby FM, Gotlands Närradiostation och Ungdomsverksamhet?

Vi hoppas att du är stolt över Gotland och svaret är Helt Klart!

Om du vill bevara Gotlands Närradiostation finns det här några vägar att tillgå:

1. Köp en Wisby FM t-shirt för dig, en kompis, hela familjen eller ditt
företag - via hemsidan eller på Visby Dyk & Skate på Hästgatan 25
(öppet fred/lördagar)

2. Skicka så många sms du vill! Skicka 892 till 72500
(sms kostnad 49kr+ev sms-taxa)

3. Skicka Bidrag via vårt bankgiro nummer 251-7530

4. Eller om du är intresserad av sponsring, köpa reklam eller har en helt
annan lösning hör av er!

Om vi inte når vårt mål, kommer alla pengar som ni skänker gå till Rädda Barnen.
Så det är en Vinn, Vinn Situation oavsett!

Du kan hitta all information på www.wisbyfm.se


Zee Germans, Brits & Swedes worst in the world?

Well here you go Ladies! According to a report published in Ananova, German men have been voted the world's worst lovers, narrowly ahead of the English!

A poll of 15,000 women found that Germans were the worst in bed because they were considered "too smelly".

English lovers came second because they were too lazy, while men from Sweden were branded "too quick" and came third.

The poll, carried out by www.OnePoll.com, asked women from 20 countries to rate nations on their ability in bed and give reasons for their answers.

Other findings included that Dutch men were "too rough", Americans were "too dominating" while Greek men were said to be a bit "too soppy".

Other countries who didn't fare well in the poll were Scotland (too loud), Turkey (too sweaty) and Wales (too selfish).

And Ladies as you might have guessed - Spanish men topped the table as the best lovers, followed by Brazilians and Italians.

I've been to Italy, does that count?



Kanye = Wanker, or?

Is Kanye West a wanker or was it planned?

Or... is he still a wanker anyway??

MTV VMA 2009

Kanye Hates Obama!


The Future of... it all

Well Ladies & Gents, as we say back home 'now it's crunch time'. We have filled out, sent out every application known to mankind.
SO now it's time to sit back, bite the nails and see what happens to Wisby FM and the WFM MAG in the future.

Everyone says something along the lines of 'The local council, Gotland Kommun surely must want to put money in?' But it seems they are having enough trouble working out how to turn the calculator on let alone balance their own budget at the moment.

So October, November and December here we come! After that we'll have to wait and see... but more about that when the time gets closer



Swine Flu?

Nah not at all...
My little man is sick at the moment - hence no Breakfast Club this morning on Wisby FM. But never fear, Jay is here! And I will be back on air again tomorrow...


Could George W. Bush end up behind bars?

(CNN) -- Could George W. Bush or some of his top aides end up behind bars?

It's extremely unlikely, but the Obama administration is taking its first steps along a path that could lead in that direction, with the investigation of Central Intelligence Agency interrogators involved in the war on terror.

For the full report click here


US and A

She honestly believes what she says!?

Part I

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Betsy McCaughey Extended Interview Pt. 1
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealthcare Protests

Part II

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Betsy McCaughey Extended Interview Pt. 2
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealthcare Protests


It's time to divorce the Swedish frogs..

Well Ladies & Gents once again Indian farmers are falling back on the trusty local method of marrying two frogs to bring badly needed monsoon rains.

According to international media reports, villagers in West Bengal state pooled their money together this week to marry Ram and Sita, two frogs named after India's most revered mythological couple from the epic Ramayana.

Following an ancient Hindu belief, the frogs' heads were smeared with vermilion paint and the pair were held up in the air in a ritual.

So the obvious question is:
If two frogs getting married brings rain in India -
Does two frogs getting divorced in Sweden bring the sun?




I have had a lot of criticism for not updating my blog much lately, so what's been happening?

The first issue of the WFM MAG is out, and so far we have had an awesome response!

What else...

My son's first birthday tomorrow :)
...and my 30th in 2 weeks. That's right Jay is turning the Dirty Thirty!

Not much else is news, it's summer on Gotland which means work work work and occasionally a little but of fun in the sun..

And yes I realise that this was possibly the most boring blog entry in history, but I am too busy trying to find out if it's true or not whether MJ died from food poisoning because he was chewing on some 12-year-old nuts!



Middle Summer

If you're wondering where I've been the answer is easy - on holidays! Well on paternity leave to be more exact. But never fear, Jay is here and will be back on air next week starting Monday the 22nd of June (which is also my mum's birthday).

The BIG news is that Wisby FM will once again be hitting the airwaves with the ultimate Midsommar playlist starting this thursday evening and running through until Saturday night! There will be all the Gotlandic and Swedish classics (yes they are separate) and naturally I will throw in a few Australian classics too!

I guess the only bad part about choosing this week to be on holidays is the fact that it's the only time of the year when it's 100% legitimate to say the word penis on air! Because that's what the Swedes do for their Midsommar celebrations (middle summer holidays) they jump like a frog around the giant Penis! Why?? To make the earth fertile.. oh well why not ay!

So don't forget to tell your friends, family and next door neighbours dog about this weekend and until next week - be good and if you can't be good be careful..



Proof that porn is evil...

Well here you go Ladies & Gents!
According to a report in the Daily Telegraph, a lady from the UK has cancelled her wedding after discovering her fiance is a secret porn star.

Apparently Haylie only found out that her husband-to-be, Jason made adult films just weeks before the big day.

How did he get caught? It happened when a friend organising her hen night searched online for a male stripper and spotted Jason with a woman in a porn movie.

Now Haylie has called her vicar to cancel the wedding: "There was no way I could marry an adult film star," she said.

The pair met last year when Jason became a customer at the garage where Haylie worked. He told her he was a personal trainer and the couple began dating. After eight months, he proposed and bought her a diamond engagement ring - but then his secret emerged.

Haylie said, "I don't know if I will ever be able to trust a man again."

Jason replied by saying "The sex side is purely for the camera, but Haylie did not understand I was only acting. I am sorry and did not want to hurt her. I still love Haylie and would have stopped doing porn if she had asked me to."

In his defence, I guess she could never call him a lousy lover!



No Brain... No Pain

Ladies & Gents this guy puts the Ass in Class!

According to reports a wanna be gansta wanksta from Germany has shot himself in the crutch when his gun went off half cocked in his pocket.

The dude, Lukas, 27, had forgotten to put the safety catch on when he stuffed the gun into his trouser pocket to impress friends. The best part is when he told paramedics that a masked mugger had blasted him in the crutch in a bungled robbery.

But police found a hole in his statement when they saw that the gunshot had miraculously left his trousers intact. "Instead there was a charred hole in his pocket so either it was the shot of the century or he did it himself," said a police source according to Annanova.

Now - after surgeons stitched his manhood back together - he's facing up to three years in jail for breaching Germany's tough new anti gun laws.



Ball & Chain

Holy Moly here we go!

According to reports, parents can now help their children study - how? - by buying a ball and chain that only unlocks when they have studied for long enough.

Parents can set the desired study time on the 9.5kg so-called 'Study Ball' and attach it to their child's ankle. Then a red digital display counts down the 'Study Time Left' and the device beeps and unlocks when the time expires.

Luckily enough it cannot be locked for more than four hours and comes with a safety key that allows the manacle to be opened at anytime.

If you want one, it costs £75 and is sold online at curiosite.com The website says: "Quite often, students who are having problems concentrating tend to get up every ten minutes to watch TV, talk on the phone, take something out of the fridge, and a long list of other distractions."

I guess it could have been a good party trick at least!



EU Directive No. 456179

EU Directive No. 456179

In order to meet the conditions for joining the Single European Currency, all citizens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland must be made aware that the phrase 'Spending a Penny' is not to be used after 31st December 2009.

From this date, the correct terminology will be: 'Euronating'.

Thank you for your attention.



The WFM Newspaper / WFM Tidningen

Well here we go Ladies & Gents of the Jury!

Gotland Live, the organisation that governs Wisby FM has announced the start of The WFM Newspaper in 2009.

The idea is simple:
To create a newspaper 100% written and produced by Swedish youth for the youth and produced 100% on Gotland.

Since Gotland Live also runs Wisby FM and Wisbyfm.se the material will also be used on all mediums simultaneously, which naturally will give the youth a larger platform for exposure. Thus the youth will be able to share, discuss and influence the topics that are important to them and (most importantly) influence their environment in their home, school and social lives directly!

So if you're interested in being part of the project, go to www.wisbyfm.se click Kontakt and send an email asap!


Ambitionen är att varannan månad släppa en tidning gjord av ungdomar från Gotland. Tidningens fokus kommer således att styras av det ungdomar och unga vuxna tycker är viktigt och intressant. Genom att inbjuda till sådan aktivitet på Gotland Live kommer många ungdomar introduceras till media på ett positivt sätt. Planen är att skapa och producera WFM Tidningen.

De kommer att forska kring diverse ämnen och därmed samtidigt fördjupa och utveckla egen kunskap kring olika ämnen. Eftersom Gotland Live också driver radiostationen WisbyFM 89.2 kommer innehållet i tidning också att exponeras och sändas genom Wisby FM.

Varje månad kommer nya ungdomar att få chansen att producera en tidning. Gotland Live pretenderar inte endast att exponera och träna ungdomar och unga vuxna i att skriva för media men även att exponera ungdomar och unga vuxna till ‘aktuella och relevanta’ ämnen som påverkar deras vardag och miljön i skolan och hemmet.




Facebook Recommendations

Alright Ladies & Gents and all you Facebook lovers out there!

1. Go to Account Settings
2. Click on language
3. Scroll to the bottom
4. Choose English (Pirate)

Abandon Ship!



The Daily Show

Ladies & Gents of the Jury!

If you're a fan of The Breakfast Club on Wisby FM, then I am sure you are aware that I am a massive fan of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Recently they came to Sweden to compare the USA and Sweden and this is the result:

Part 1:
The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
The Stockholm Syndrome
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Economic CrisisFirst 100 Days

... and Part 2:
The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
The Stockholm Syndrome Pt. 2
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Economic CrisisFirst 100 Days


Joke Time!

From my mum...

A young ventriloquist is touring the clubs and one night he's doing a show in a small town in Tasmania .

With his dummy on his knee, he starts going through his usual dumb blond jokes when a blond woman in the 4th row stands on her chair and starts shouting:

'I've heard enough of your stupid blond jokes. What makes you think you can stereotype women that way? What does the colour of a person's hair have to do with her worth as a human being? Its men like you who keep women like me from being respected at work and in the community, and from reaching our full potential as people. Because you and your kind continue to perpetuate discrimination against not only blondes, but women in general... and all in the name of humour!'

The embarrassed ventriloquist begins to apologize, and the blonde yells, 'You stay out of this mate! I'm talking to that little shit on your lap!'



1-year Anniversary!!!

Well Ladies & Gents, Wisby FM has official turned one!!!

The future of Wisby FM looks brighter and brighter as time goes on. Right now we are getting ready for Summer 2009. Which I think will be kick ass once more. Also the WFM Tidningen (newspaper) project is underway and as it looks today our first issue should be released over summer. It's going to be awesome a radio/newspaper project all in one and produced here on Gotland by the kids of Gotland!

Hopefully in the summer also we will have guest broadcasters including Ulas and brother Özz Nujen - all I have to do now is get down on my knees and beg!

But on behalf of Wisby FM and myself I would like to thank everyone for their support. Because of course without your support we never would have made it this far and be looking into the future.

Don't forget it is your opinion, the listeners that counts. Not the fake statistics of other radio stations in the area, and don't get me started on Sifo! What a scam - 10,000kr and they only make 500 phone calls and then base everything on that. No wonder 'some' stations have incredible stats according to them. All they have to do is call out on the countryside, where 2-way is still be used and we're screwed haha.

Oh well, according to the beat on the street Wisby FM is doing fantastic, and I will always trust the people that actually live in the area rather than a marketing campaign by our competitors or a bunch of telemarketers from the mainland.

Thanks again!
Keep Listening!
Keep Your Opinions Coming In!

And remember Be Good - If You Can't Be Good.... Be Careful



If Only the Politicians Did This!

As heard on Wisby FM:

According to a report in Ananova, a German football club is to refund the tickets of 600 fans who travelled to see them put in a "pitiful performance" that ended in a 4-0 away defeat.

Supporters travelled 380 miles to see their team lose 4-0. It was the team's sixth loss in seven games, and the club made the offer in a web statement headed "Sorry, Energie Fans!"

The statement went on to state:

"By refunding the cost of admission for their supporters, the red and whites would like to apologise for the pitiful performance which they displayed at the Veltins Arena."

Just think Ladies & Gents if the politicians of the world felt this kind of compassion for their voters and the was some kind of countability... if only huh?



Is online piracy a good thing?

Well the Pirate Bay has come and gone and those involved have been given a one-year jail sentence and fined 30 million SEK.

So is online piracy a good thing or a bad thing?

Here is a CNN article explaining the two points of view.

CNN - Is online piracy a good thing?

You decide.


Walk in gin and tonic

According to a report by Annanova, Britain's first walk in cocktail has been launched in London. Just 40 minutes inside the venue, which delivers an intoxicating vapour of gin and tonic, will leave visitors feeling slightly merry.

The bar is decorated with giant limes and massive straws to make visitors feel as if they are inside the drink and the experience is further enhanced by a special soundtrack featuring the noise of liquid being poured over ice cubes.

The Alcoholic Architecture bar is situated in London. However, drinkers are advised to wear special protective suits as they enter to avoid going home smelling like a distillery.


Gay Elephants... who would have guessed!

(artists impression)

Well you heard it this morning Ladies & Gents!

According to reports by Reuters, a Polish politician has criticised his local zoo for acquiring a "gay" elephant named Ninio who prefers male companions and will probably not procreate.

"We didn't pay 7.6 million pounds for the largest elephant house in Europe to have a gay elephant live there... We were supposed to have a herd, but as Ninio prefers male friends over females how will he produce offspring?"Michal Grzes, a conservative councillor in the city of Poznan in western Poland, was quoted as saying.



Wrong times..

Ladies & Gents the Breakfast Club with Jay is back!

But new times:

08.00 - 11.00 (Swedish Time GMT+1)

4pm - 7pm (Sydney Time GMT+10)

I thought it was 6pm to 9pm Sydney time but daylight saving is there to screw with us ay!


Summer hits Sweden.... almost

It hit 14' degrees today - 10 more degrees and the Swedish summer is here!

Thank god or who ever is responsible for that.
If you think about it for a second, if hell is hot does that mean heaven is cold?

Oh well time to grab the BBQ, chuck it on the balcony and start making the most of it.

For as the Swedes know deep down inside, the summer is short up this end of the planet and if you blink you just may miss it!


Mixed feelings....

Well I'm back in Sweden and back on air at Wisby FM!
What can I say but... mixed feelings

Awesome to be on air again - although kinda rusty.
Great to be back in Sweden - in time for summer.
But... sucks to leave Australia - after all home is where there heart is... and the family, beach, good food, cheap drinks etc etc

But never fear Jay is here! With new music, new news and even a few recycled jokes every morning at Wisby FM 8-11 Swedish time and 6-9pm Australian time.



Zee Germans!!

Well Ladies & Gent so I've heard.... The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility.

As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in plan that would become known as 'Euro-English' .

Hence :
In the first year, 's' will replace the soft 'c'. Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy.The hard 'c' will be dropped in favour of 'k'. This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter.

There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome 'ph' will be replaced with 'f'. This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter.

In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible. Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent 'e' in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.

By the 4th yer peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing 'th' with 'z' and 'w' with 'v'.During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary 'o' kan be dropd from vords kontaining 'ou' and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a real sensibl riten styl.

Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi TU understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru.Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.


Back in Black

G'day Ladies & Gents!! Sorry for being so lousy at keeping the blog up-to-date whilst on holidays. Not too much is news with me.
Right now I'm chilling at home with the family, and getting ready to hit the beach. As always the day I landed back home in Sydney it decided to rain for a week. Only difference to Sweden was the rain didn't turn to ice an put a dent in your car! But all is good here, enjoying every minute and making the most of being home.

Anyway, never fear Jay is here and I'll be touching down in Sweden late March and back on air on the 1st of April... Or will I?


Well Ladies & Gents - it's the last week before I go on holidays back home for 2 months!

All I can say is:

Mostly sunny
Min: 22°C Max: 36°C

Min: -5°C Max -1°C

Nuf Said....

But don't forget to tune into The Breakfast Club this week with me for the final week!
8am to 11am weekdays


Where art thou?

It's been a while since I've updated the good old blog. But never fear Jay is here once more...

Past: If you're wondering why I haven't been putting up any photos lately. That's because I have joined the ranks of "People with Stalkers." That' right, I have been getting harassed via mail, phone, sms and mms but some crazy person. They even opened up a blog. At first I thought 'well i guess it's official I am a D grade celebrity on Gotland Island' but as time went on the flattery disappeared, and it just became downright annoying. So now I am 'mobiless' if there is such a word and my phone has been left in with the police. No charges have been filed, I am still hoping it will stop, but either way it's out of my hands now.

Present: Well what's been happening in the world of Jay. Apart from work, work and more work I guess the biggest new for me is that in 2 weeks and 3 days (not that I am counting) I will have my butt on a plane heading to Hong Kong and then back to Australia for 2 months! I can't describe how bloody excited I am. It's been nearly 2½years since I was home last home. So now only 1 week left of work and then off to Stockholm to say 'hejsan hejsan' to the in-laws before we go.

Future: So what is the future of Wisby FM? - many people have been asking. And the honest answer is quite simply that we still don't know. Talk about lousy timing trying to open up a new radio station precisely before the global economic crisis hits. Oh well, we still cross our fingers but the way it looks now is there wont be a station to come back to when I return from Australia at the end of March. Am I upset? Of course, I honestly believed we'd secure private funding and sponsorship for one more year to ride out the storm. But at the same time if it all ended now I would still feel content. After all, we opened a youth station on the world's lowest budget, made a significant impact in a short time, enabled the youth of Gotland Island to get their democratic voices heard and managed to make a large dent in the demographic of radio listeners. So, thinking of that makes me feel content in the fact that we succeeded in what we'd hoped for - it just wasn't for as long as we planned.

Anyway: Ladies & Gents of the Jury this week is THE week to be listening to The Breakfast Club on Wisby FM between 8am and 11am weekdays (GMT+1). Why? Because it could be the last...

Oh yeh and the weather back home is...
Now: 25°C Max: 35°C

Bloody Beautiful if you ask me!