
Where art thou?

It's been a while since I've updated the good old blog. But never fear Jay is here once more...

Past: If you're wondering why I haven't been putting up any photos lately. That's because I have joined the ranks of "People with Stalkers." That' right, I have been getting harassed via mail, phone, sms and mms but some crazy person. They even opened up a blog. At first I thought 'well i guess it's official I am a D grade celebrity on Gotland Island' but as time went on the flattery disappeared, and it just became downright annoying. So now I am 'mobiless' if there is such a word and my phone has been left in with the police. No charges have been filed, I am still hoping it will stop, but either way it's out of my hands now.

Present: Well what's been happening in the world of Jay. Apart from work, work and more work I guess the biggest new for me is that in 2 weeks and 3 days (not that I am counting) I will have my butt on a plane heading to Hong Kong and then back to Australia for 2 months! I can't describe how bloody excited I am. It's been nearly 2½years since I was home last home. So now only 1 week left of work and then off to Stockholm to say 'hejsan hejsan' to the in-laws before we go.

Future: So what is the future of Wisby FM? - many people have been asking. And the honest answer is quite simply that we still don't know. Talk about lousy timing trying to open up a new radio station precisely before the global economic crisis hits. Oh well, we still cross our fingers but the way it looks now is there wont be a station to come back to when I return from Australia at the end of March. Am I upset? Of course, I honestly believed we'd secure private funding and sponsorship for one more year to ride out the storm. But at the same time if it all ended now I would still feel content. After all, we opened a youth station on the world's lowest budget, made a significant impact in a short time, enabled the youth of Gotland Island to get their democratic voices heard and managed to make a large dent in the demographic of radio listeners. So, thinking of that makes me feel content in the fact that we succeeded in what we'd hoped for - it just wasn't for as long as we planned.

Anyway: Ladies & Gents of the Jury this week is THE week to be listening to The Breakfast Club on Wisby FM between 8am and 11am weekdays (GMT+1). Why? Because it could be the last...

Oh yeh and the weather back home is...
Now: 25°C Max: 35°C

Bloody Beautiful if you ask me!


Anonymous said...

J......would you do a gammer check/a spell check & at the very least a punctuation check. M

STAY I SAY......
GOTLAND ....what do you all think? ..... or all want?
Tell me.
I SAY.......Jay STAYS!

Anonymous said...

Jag känner att jag bara måste kommentera det här. Det känns inte okej att låta bli, visserligen kommer detta raderas så fort du ser det här. Om du nu valde att kommentera det hela, varför inte dra hela historien? Jag förstår om vissa delar skulle bli för pinsamma.
Ja, han blev nobbad.
Och ja, jag kan förstå om du tog illa vid dig.
Ja, jag förstår om han var desperat efter sex nu när han verkligen stadgat sig.
Ja, jag förstår om han inte vill att alla ska få veta hela historien.
Men Nej, det jag inte kan förstå är att han plötsligt inte längre kan skämta/driva med "vännen" på det sätt som de båda har gjort i fyra års tid. Fyra år.
Och nej, det jag inte kan förstå är att hur en man kan ta det så hårt att en betydligt mycket yngre tjej inte längre vill ha med honom att göra.
Nej, jag förstår inte hans brist på förståelse.

Det var min kommentar till ditt inlägg.
Med Vänliga Hälsningar Hannama