
Coworker Has That Excuse That's Going Around

Ladies & Gents, one site I highly recommend you read is The Onion @ http://www.theonion.com/

It is worth checking out and here is a taste of what they write about.

(And just so I don't get sued for copyright
- YES this is directly copied from their website)

Coworker Has That Excuse That's Going Around

ANN ARBOR, MI—Digital Copy Shoppe employee Don Newson, 38, called in to work on Wednesday complaining that he was certain he had come down with the 24-hour excuse that has been going around. "My back is killing me, I feel stuffed up, and I have this pounding headache," said Newson, citing the initial symptoms of the excuse, which often afflicts those who are already late for work. "It sucks, because I want to come in, but I don't want anyone else to catch what I've got. I should be fine after sleeping for a couple days." Newson has placed himself on a strict regimen of watching the past six episodes of Entourage on HBO on Demand to cure the excuse.


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