Well Ladies & Gents, Wisby FM has official turned one!!!The future of Wisby FM looks brighter and brighter as time goes on. Right now we are getting ready for Summer 2009. Which I think will be kick ass once more. Also the WFM Tidningen (newspaper) project is underway and as it looks today our first issue should be released over summer. It's going to be awesome a radio/newspaper project all in one and produced here on Gotland by the kids of Gotland!
Hopefully in the summer also we will have guest broadcasters including Ulas and brother Özz Nujen - all I have to do now is get down on my knees and beg!
But on behalf of Wisby FM and myself I would like to thank everyone for their support. Because of course without your support we never would have made it this far and be looking into the future.
Don't forget it is your opinion, the listeners that counts. Not the fake statistics of other radio stations in the area, and don't get me started on Sifo! What a scam - 10,000kr and they only make 500 phone calls and then base everything on that. No wonder
'some' stations have incredible stats according to them. All they have to do is call out on the countryside, where 2-way is still be used and we're screwed haha.
Oh well, according to the beat on the street Wisby FM is doing fantastic, and I will always trust the people that actually live in the area rather than a marketing campaign by our competitors or a bunch of telemarketers from the mainland.
Thanks again!
Keep Listening!
Keep Your Opinions Coming In!
And remember Be Good - If You Can't Be Good.... Be Careful